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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Halloween Costume - Cheerio!

This year for Halloween, I'm going as a Cheerio from Glee.  Pretty excited about this!  The top and bottom I got are pictured below...

I think I'm going to add some striping to the bottom of this...just to make it look a bit more like the Glee Cheerios skirt.  It's not fly-away all the way around but it's pretty close!!

I've already removed the "pups" logo from this top and it worked out well. I plan to add the WMHS which should be no problem!

I also ordered some cheerleading shoes from eBay.  I didn't have any white sneakers so I figured that was the best way to go. I've debated about getting the red and white pom poms but that just seems like one more thing to carry and worry about losing.  I may just carry a Slushy and call that good enough.  Hair and makeup will be super simple, high ponytail and just normal makeup!  Cheerios Rule!!

Photo of the Day!

Maizie & Mischa in their matching christmas sweaters last year.  Maizie liked hers but I think Mischa hated it!

Fantasy Football

So thinks worked ok last week...I won the ESPN league and lost the Yahoo league.  Looks like this week may be the opposite or possibly losing both...oh well...on to next week!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Things are looking good!

ESPN league looks promising so far...I definitely need another solid half out of Philip Rivers....

Yahoo league is still a bit up in the air...If I can get ahead by the end of the day and then have a great game out of AP things should work out...more help from Philip Rivers is needed.  Bonus if he connects with Antonio Gates!!


It's no secret, Maizie gets lots of treats.  She really seems to like these dehydrated chicken things.  I feel better about giving her these, since they say greenies have so much sugar in them.  We got them at petsmart, they're Canyon Creek Ranch Natural Chicken Treats.  They make a chicken and banana combo which I think we'll try next.  I'm sure Maizie will LOVE them...she hasn't met a treat she doesn't like yet!

New Bailey Buttons!!

Yay!!  I finally got the Ugg Bailey Buttons I wanted, thanks to my mom!!  She's the best!  They are all water proofed and ready to go.  For some reason I never got around to water proofing the last pair of Uggs I had so I'm really happy I didn't screw up with these like I did the last ones!  I'm so excited to have these for fall!